Friday, November 5, 2010

Fashion Ump: Fox's Rosenthal vindicated by Lincecum's bow tie

FOX Sports reporter Ken Rosenthal took a lot of flak because he wore a bow tie during the World Series. After all, the Jerry Lewis Telethon was on Labor Day, right? And it's much too late in the year to be making Country Time Lemonade on the front porch at all hours.

Rosenthal got some relief after San Francisco Giants ace Tim Lincecum told him he also wears a bow tie on occasion. There was even photographic evidence of Lincecum dressed as such. Phew!

Because Lincecum is one of the coolest kids out there, Rosenthal surmised, it must get him off the nerd hook. At least for the tie.

Yeah, but that Lincecum bow-tie photo could have been taken last year, or in college, man.

Well, imagine the comfort Rosenthal felt when Lincecum strolled into Rangers Ballpark before Game 5 of the World Series outfitted not unlike Dick York in "Inherit the Wind." A real gem dandy, Timmy was!

And check out Rosenthal. Positively beaming. If that's how a World Series champion rolls, then it's OK for him too. It was just like when Deacon Jones told Peter Brady he used to be in glee club.

Next season: Brian Wilson re-popularizes the ascot. 

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