Filed under: Phillies, Rangers, Yankees
Three teams, including the Phillies, were believed to make formal offers to Lee, but others -- like the Angels and Nationals -- reportedly expressed interest in the pitcher as well. With such interest, you'd think that Lee would command -- and sign -- the biggest deal possible. After all, the Yankees and Rangers were believed to be offering almost the moon. All along, it was believed that money and length of deal would be the needle-mover in acquiring Lee.
So what did he do? He signed the lowest guaranteed deal believed to be on the table. Below, a comparison of the offers Lee received from his three primary suitors: the Yankees, Rangers and Phillies.
Jeff Fletcher: Lee Reveals Value by Leaving Money on Table
Fantasy Impact: Lee Gets Boost With Move Back to NL Do Phils Now Have Best Rotation Ever? Yankees Could Be in Some Trouble
Fantasy Impact: Lee Gets Boost With Move Back to NL Do Phils Now Have Best Rotation Ever? Yankees Could Be in Some Trouble
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